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At-Home Allergy Test in Dubai by Vesta Care

Do you break out in hives or start sneezing without any reason? If so, you may have an allergy that you may not be aware of. So, to be sure which allergen is responsible for your symptoms, you need to undergo an allergy test.

Allergy Test
at home in Dubai

Do you break out in hives or start sneezing without any reason? If so, you may have an allergy that you may not be aware of. So, to be sure which allergen is responsible for your symptoms, you need to undergo an allergy test.

Allergy Test
at home in Dubai

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What are allergies?

Allergies or allergic diseases occur when a person’s immune system reacts to a foreign substance. When you have an allergy, your immune system produces antibodies. These antibodies mistakenly identify an allergen as harmful and respond to the threat.

The reaction can vary from person to person in severity. It can range from minor irritation to a life-threatening condition. It inflames your sinuses, airways, skin, or digestive system.

Allergy triggers include:

Certain foods: Nuts, fish, milk, eggs, etc

Medication: Penicillin-based drugs, etc

Airborne allergens: Animal Dander, mold, pollen, etc

Insect stings: Wasps or bees, etc

What are the common allergy symptoms?

Allergy symptoms vary according to the type of allergy and its severity. However, common symptoms of an allergy include:

  1. Sneezing
  2. Itching
  3. Watery eyes
  4. Swelling on the face
  5. Runny nose
  6. Wheezing
  7. Hives
  8. Chest tightness
  9. Shortness of breath

Contact your doctor or emergency services if you are experiencing severe symptoms.

What is allergy testing?

An allergy test determines whether your body reacts to a foreign substance. It determines the body’s response to specific triggers or allergens. This substance, harmless to others, may be causing you allergic symptoms. If you have an allergy, your immune system will produce antibodies that cause an allergic reaction.

An allergy test assists in identifying the cause of your allergy. This helps you to stay away from the allergens causing it or get medicines to ease the symptoms. It is possible that you may be allergic to more than one substance.

What are the types of allergy tests?

There are different ways to test for allergies. These tests include:

Skin test

A skin test is used to identify different allergens. This includes contact, food-related, and airborne allergens. Skin tests are usually safe for both adults and children. It takes around 20 to 40 minutes for any reaction. However, there can also be an immediate allergic reaction to the allergen. A healthcare professional will apply a small amount of the allergen on the skin of your forearm. In case of a reaction, redness, rash, or raised round spots may appear. If the result is inconclusive, the allergen can also be injected into the outer layer of the skin.

Patch test

This is a targeted testing technique to identify allergens causing a reaction. A patch test is performed on people who have eczema or dermatitis. Your healthcare professional will place allergens on the skin and cover them with a patch. The patch will be left on your skin for the next 48 hours. If the skin is allergic to an allergen you will experience itching and rash on the precise spot. Despite the allergic reaction, it is crucial that you do not remove or loosen the patch. The patch must be left on the skin to get accurate results. After 48 hours, your healthcare expert will remove the patch to check which allergen is causing the reaction. The patch test is beneficial in finding out if you are allergic to more than one substance. This helps your doctor to create an appropriate treatment plan for you.

Blood test

This test requires drawing blood and is suitable, especially if the skin test is unsafe or not working. The blood is sent to the lab, where different allergens are added to the blood sample. This helps measure the amount of antibodies that fight the allergen. This test is highly successful in spotting specific lgE antibodies to allergens.

Why do healthcare experts perform allergy tests?

Your doctor may recommend an allergy test due to the irritation you may be experiencing. People with asthma are also checked for allergies to identify allergens that may cause anaphylaxis. This can be life-threatening, and you may require immediate medical help.

Allergy tests help you identify your allergy triggers. It can be pollen, animal dander, mold, or other substances. Your doctor can then prescribe an appropriate medication. You can also spot and avoid those triggers.

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in Dubai

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Our partner Laboratory is located in Dubai, since 2001, providing an exemplary evidence of our clinical capabilities and credentials.

Our one-stop-solution for medical laboratory tests in Dubai, integrates the clinical assessment, diagnosis and treatment cycle, anywhere in Dubai within 30mins from your call.

Our focus is in on outstanding accuracy and clinical compliance coupled with fast availability and affordability.

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We execute any custom prescription from your doctor upon request. We are fully licensed to issue e-prescription for medicine

and arrange the delivery of your medication.

We execute any custom prescription from your doctor upon request. We are fully licensed to issue e-prescription for medicine and arrange the delivery of your medication.

How do I know if I need an allergy test?

You may need an allergy test if you are experiencing headaches, watery eyes, or runny nose, among others, while outdoors. This can be due to pollen, dust, or pet dander.

You can be experiencing swelling on the face or hives after having a meal. This can be due to a food allergy. Food allergy symptoms can appear within minutes after eating the food. It can also take up to 2 hours after food ingestion, making it difficult to identify if it was the food that triggered it.

You may be allergic to metals, latex, or fragrances. They can cause an allergic reaction on your skin. You can experience burning sensations, itching, rash, or swelling.

How do you prepare for allergy testing?

Before taking an allergy test, your doctor may ask about your medical history, lifestyle, and more. Your doctor may also ask you to discontinue some medication to avoid false positives and any effect on the results. These can include:

  1. Antihistamines
  2. Antidepressants
  3. Systemic corticosteroids
  4. Heartburn medications
  5. Benzodiazepines

Book Your At-Home Allergy Test in Dubai

Vesta Care has a decade of healthcare experience in the UAE. We are providing allergy tests in the comfort of your home. Our DHA-licenced healthcare expert will arrive at your home to perform the allergy test. Our test results are fully reliable, and you can trust our at-home allergy test service in Dubai.

Just Book A Test at Vesta Care and avail of our at-home allergy test in Dubai. Our support team will contact you in no time.

Frequently Asked Question

Our medical team and our referral medical laboratory are working 24/7 for 365 days in any year and are both located in Dubai. Your samples are collected and transported around the clock within the DHA guidelines for sample transportation and storage and the tests are executed, in-house and in Dubai. We perform these services in-house and in Dubai and these are the factors that guarantee our results turn-around times!

Your results are validated by our Clinical Pathologists and Laboratory technicians and clinically correlated before being released by our Medical Laboratory in Dubai. Your reports will be indicating the ranges as well as the meaning of this ranges in accordance with quality accreditation requirements. Still, us not being intermediaries, our Doctors and clinicians are available to you for a medical evaluation of your results or cover any queries and concerns you might have. 

We are a DHA licensed medical provider, equipped with the required approvals to perform these services while our medical staff is licensed by DHA and trained to perform these services. Additionally, our medical laboratories are Licensed and Accredited to perform these tests, in compliance with highest international clinical standards. These two, safeguard the end-to-end compliance, accuracy and reliability of the testing at Home. 

Simply, we do not rely on intermediaries. We own and operate ALL assets involved in the process, end-to-end. From our direct patient CRM, to our licensed sample collection facilities and the analysis in our affiliated medical laboratory. We are clinicians we over 20 years presence in the community. 

There can be substantial health hazards of performing medical acts without involving a licensed medical facility with licensed practitioners. We, at Vesta Care, carry all the required licenses, trained and licensed medical staff, as well as the required insurances to ensure a smooth experience and clinically robust medical act, bringing standards that are followed by the world’s most reputable facilities, are accredited by quality bodies and licensed by the local authority in Dubai. 

Your doctor may ask you to stop taking some medicine 3 to 7 days before the allergy test. This is because some medicines may interfere with the results by preventing your immune system from responding to allergens. However, you can continue taking your asthma medicines.

Your allergy test checks the body’s reaction to the allergen. If you have a reaction at the site of the test, it means you have an allergy. You may experience rash and itching, among other symptoms, due to the allergic reaction. Most allergic symptoms clear within a couple of hours. However, redness or raised round spots may remain for more hours.

Yes, Vesta Care performs allergy tests for both adults and children of all ages.

The results of over-the-counter allergy test kits are not reliable. You may get a false positive result. This will restrict you from avoiding specific substances or foods even though they are harmless. Getting an allergy test from an experienced medical expert is better for reliable results.