
Assisted Living & Rehabilitation Homes

Assisted Living & Rehabilitation Homes

Assisted Living & Rehabilitation Homes

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Retire in Dubai

Our vision for a third-age retirement solution in one of the best places to live in the world.

Maintaining independence is important for people as they age while, in fact, losing it is one of the biggest fear seniors have. An absolute majority of GCC and Asian seniors and their families decide for the seniors to remain in their houses; along with the family. The reality is that a significant part of the seniors (age 80+) require support with their daily activities, irrespective of their health status. Is there a way to get that kind of help and still be as independent as possible? The answer is Yes and is called Assisted Living.

Dubai is an international metropolis

and a major destination for international travelers, businesses as well as families recently. As the city rapidly evolves and ranks up as one of the best places to live in the world it creates a surging demand for adults in their late age that explore ways to retire here.

But how can someone retire in Dubai?

There are multiple residence statuses that can fit the profile of someone that wants to retire in Dubai as well as multiple accommodation options. But residency and accommodation are only one aspect of the a senior’s objectives.

Seniors not only require a residency status, a house, access to healthcare and amenities. Predominately, they require

Our vision for Assisted Living in Dubai

With experience of over 40 years in Assisted Living homes and over 5,000 rooms across Europe we bring our best game and innovation yet to Dubai.

We are designing a fully integrated Assisted Living and Rehabilitation community in Dubai where we will combine the best of all objectives to make someone’s decision to retire in the city we call “Our Home” much easier.

Our community is designed to provide residences of all sizes to seniors, designed uniquely according to their needs.

Their daily living activities support will be provided by a network of subject matter experts in nutrition, cleaning, commuting and general life support.

The healthcare needs of the residents in our community will be supported by licensed and accredited medical facilities specializing in Homecare, Caregiving and Rehabilitation and will consist of the core healthcare specialist around the clock for the convenience and on-call for all the members of our community.

Our facilities have state-of-the art wellness and rehabilitation facilities and specialists supporting them enhancing the experience and longevity of our community members.

Why choose Vesta Care?

Vesta Care believes in a hands-on approach to Managed Healthcare Services. We do not believe in one-solution fits all. We design your solution to your unique needs and warrant the responsibility of performance for our services. We have experience on this field, our team and partners has established this qualification and track-record in the United Arab Emirates. More importantly, we are ready to undertake the guarantees to support our statement and give you tangible proof of our unbiased commitment to your needs.

Happy Customer

Frequently Asked Question

Our medical team and our referral medical laboratory are working 24/7 for 365 days in any year and are both located in Dubai. Your samples are collected and transported around the clock within the DHA guidelines for sample transportation and storage and the tests are executed, in-house and in Dubai. We perform these services in-house and in Dubai and these are the factors that guarantee our results turn-around times!

Your results are validated by our Clinical Pathologists and Laboratory technicians and clinically correlated before being released by our Medical Laboratory in Dubai. Your reports will be indicating the ranges as well as the meaning of this ranges in accordance with quality accreditation requirements. Still, us not being intermediaries, our Doctors and clinicians are available to you for a medical evaluation of your results or cover any queries and concerns you might have. 

We are a DHA licensed medical provider, equipped with the required approvals to perform these services while our medical staff is licensed by DHA and trained to perform these services. Additionally, our medical laboratories are Licensed and Accredited to perform these tests, in compliance with highest international clinical standards. These two, safeguard the end-to-end compliance, accuracy and reliability of the testing at Home. 

Simply, we do not rely on intermediaries. We own and operate ALL assets involved in the process, end-to-end. From our direct patient CRM, to our licensed sample collection facilities and the analysis in our affiliated medical laboratory. We are clinicians we over 20 years presence in the community. 

There can be substantial health hazards of performing medical acts without involving a licensed medical facility with licensed practitioners. We, at Vesta Care, carry all the required licenses, trained and licensed medical staff, as well as the required insurances to ensure a smooth experience and clinically robust medical act, bringing standards that are followed by the world’s most reputable facilities, are accredited by quality bodies and licensed by the local authority in Dubai.