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Diabetes Test At Your Home With Vesta Care

No More Wasting Time Standing in Long Queues for Lab Tests

Diabetes Test
at home in Dubai

No More Wasting Time Standing in Long Queues for Lab Tests

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Get Diabetes tests done at your home with Vesta Care

Vesta Care is a local Dubai-based organization that is invested in bringing you the healthcare services you need at your doorstep. The main goal is to achieve your trust by providing you with the best results. 

Select Vesta Care for Accurate and Precise Test Results

Vesta Care ensures you that we will take care of your test results and provide you with 100% efficacy. From the hands of our best healthcare providers, you will be able to depend on us without hesitation and discomfort. Our high-tech machine and technicians will guarantee you the accuracy of your results within the suitable time you require for your test.


What is diabetes?

Diabetes is a long-term metabolic illness marked by high blood glucose (blood sugar) levels. The most prevalent kind, type 2 diabetes, usually affects adults and is brought on by insufficient or resistant insulin production in the body. Type 2 diabetes has been far more common over the last three decades in all nations, regardless of wealth. It may produce serious damage to the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, and nerves.
Diabetes type 1 is a chronic illness in which the pancreas generates little or no insulin on its own. It was formerly referred to as juvenile diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes.

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Best Medical Laboratory
in Dubai

Get Access to over 1,500 Lab Tests anywhere in Dubai

Our partner Laboratory is located in Dubai, since 2001, providing an exemplary evidence of our clinical capabilities and credentials.

Our one-stop-solution for medical laboratory tests in Dubai, integrates the clinical assessment, diagnosis and treatment cycle, anywhere in Dubai within 30mins from your call.

Our focus is in on outstanding accuracy and clinical compliance coupled with fast availability and affordability.

Results from the Best Lab in Dubai

We execute any custom prescription from your doctor upon request. We are fully licensed to issue e-prescription for medicine

and arrange the delivery of your medication.

We execute any custom prescription from your doctor upon request. We are fully licensed to issue e-prescription for medicine and arrange the delivery of your medication.

Indications that you might require a Blood Sugar Test

Experiencing symptoms such as excessive thirst (Polydipsia), frequent urination (Polyuria), intense hunger (Polyphagia), fatigue, unintentional weight loss, vision problems, slow healing, and the presence of sores and ulcers on the foot could indicate potential health concerns. These symptoms, especially when occurring together, may be indicative of conditions such as diabetes. It is crucial to seek medical attention promptly for a thorough evaluation and diagnosis to address any underlying health issues.

A Diabetes Test: What Is It?

Diabetes tests are used to measure the amount of blood sugar, which can be done in 4 different ways.


Test HbA1C

Your average blood sugar levels over the previous three months are determined by the HbA1C test.  Blood samples are taken for tests, and results are typically available in 24 hours.


Fasting Blood Sugar Test

A minimum of eight hours of overnight fasting is necessary for a fasting blood sugar test, and the blood sample must be drawn in the morning before breakfast.


Random Blood Sugar Level Test

Your blood sugar levels are measured during a random blood sugar (RBS) test. You can perform this task anytime during the day or night.



Random Blood Sugar Level Test

A test for glucose tolerance gauges your body’s reaction to sugar. It entails fasting for two hours, then consuming a glucose solution and having a blood test.

The Diabetes Test: Why Is It Done?

A blood sugar test can be done to determine the amount of glucose in your blood. It could be used to diagnose diabetes or to help diabetics monitor their blood sugar and insulin levels.

Schedule a Diabetes Test in Dubai at Home

Through Vesta Care Services you can easily book an appointment anywhere in Dubai. Vesta Care ensures you perfect scheduling based on your reliability. You can visit our website or call us to book your appointment at 04 247 0800 (6 am to 12 am). We provide you with door-to-door services that help you avail yourself of all the benefits you need at home.

Providing Reliable and Secure Testing Everywhere in Dubai

At Vesta Care, we are committed to providing trustworthy and secure testing services throughout Dubai. We bring healthcare to your home, providing convenient and reliable tests such as blood sugar checks and full health screenings. Our skilled personnel focus on precision and use cutting-edge technology to offer precise results. Vesta Care prioritizes confidentiality and secure data transmission to provide a seamless and secure testing experience for individuals in Dubai, encouraging accessible and dependable healthcare services at your leisure.

Frequently Asked Question

Our medical team and our referral medical laboratory are working 24/7 for 365 days in any year and are both located in Dubai. Your samples are collected and transported around the clock within the DHA guidelines for sample transportation and storage and the tests are executed, in-house and in Dubai. We perform these services in-house and in Dubai and these are the factors that guarantee our results turn-around times!

Your results are validated by our Clinical Pathologists and Laboratory technicians and clinically correlated before being released by our Medical Laboratory in Dubai. Your reports will be indicating the ranges as well as the meaning of this ranges in accordance with quality accreditation requirements. Still, us not being intermediaries, our Doctors and clinicians are available to you for a medical evaluation of your results or cover any queries and concerns you might have. 

We are a DHA licensed medical provider, equipped with the required approvals to perform these services while our medical staff is licensed by DHA and trained to perform these services. Additionally, our medical laboratories are Licensed and Accredited to perform these tests, in compliance with highest international clinical standards. These two, safeguard the end-to-end compliance, accuracy and reliability of the testing at Home. 

Simply, we do not rely on intermediaries. We own and operate ALL assets involved in the process, end-to-end. From our direct patient CRM, to our licensed sample collection facilities and the analysis in our affiliated medical laboratory. We are clinicians we over 20 years presence in the community. 

There can be substantial health hazards of performing medical acts without involving a licensed medical facility with licensed practitioners. We, at Vesta Care, carry all the required licenses, trained and licensed medical staff, as well as the required insurances to ensure a smooth experience and clinically robust medical act, bringing standards that are followed by the world’s most reputable facilities, are accredited by quality bodies and licensed by the local authority in Dubai. 

Vesta Care ensures you about their healthcare personnel, their experience, and education that won’t risk your health or affect you during your blood test for diabetes. As well as our high-tech laboratory equipment can ensure our consumers have accurate results.

Vesta Care offers you different diabetes tests such as fasting blood glucose level test, random blood glucose level test, oral glucose tolerance test, and past three months blood sugar check (HbA1C). Their procedure is mentioned on our website for further details.

Fasting blood sugar is a basic blood test used to diagnose prediabetes, diabetes, and gestational diabetes. You should fast for 8 to 12 hours before the exam and only drink water. Talk to your healthcare practitioner about whether you need a fasting blood glucose test. Fasting is necessary as this standardizes circumstances, measures insulin sensitivity, and aids in the proper diagnosis of illnesses such as diabetes.

There are no such precautions you need to take before having a diabetes test, but you have to follow the rules before having an FBS testing that is “You have to fast overnight for precise results.”

HbA1C: Results are typically available within 24 hours.

FBS: Results are frequently available in 6 to 10 seconds through a glucometer device.

RBS: Quick results are available if using a glucometer at home.

OGTT: Results are typically available within a day.

Yes, Vesta Care’s healthcare specialists recommend individualized lifestyle changes based on diabetes test results to improve blood sugar control and general health.

The Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) is indicated for determining glucose tolerance in cases of possible diabetes or gestational diabetes during pregnancy. It examines blood sugar levels before and after eating a glucose solution, providing information about the body’s ability to manage glucose and detecting disorders like as impaired glucose tolerance or diabetes.

Yes, food and lifestyle restrictions are usually recommended before undergoing a blood sugar test with Vesta Care. Specific directions may include fasting for a set period of time, avoiding food or beverages other than water, and refraining from specific activities that may affect blood sugar levels. These limits help to guarantee that test results are accurate and dependable.

Diabetes tests may be conveniently scheduled at home with Vesta Care, and they can even be completed online. Through Vesta Care’s website, scheduling an appointment is simple and quick, guaranteeing a hassle-free experience. Without requiring complicated logistical planning, people may schedule diabetes tests whenever it is most convenient for them because of this online booking system’s flexibility and accessibility.

Vesta Care guarantees accurate and precise results by employing high-tech machines and skilled technicians. Their testing equipment uses advanced technology to measure blood glucose levels with great precision. Moreover, the expertise of their highly trained technicians ensures the proper administration of tests and the accurate interpretation of results.